My Secret to a Purposeful Day: How This App Boosts Intentionality and Productivity Based on Your Energy Levels

My Secret to a Purposeful Day: How This App Boosts Intentionality and Productivity Based on Your Energy Levels


I've been on a "journey" into learning how to be more mindful, present and intentional with my time. I love the idea of slow living and being more present in the day to day to-do's instead of frantic, robotic and checking things off. As someone who struggles on/off with the "9-5" mentality -  even as an entrepreneur - I had to remind myself that I was in control of my days. 

With that said, a friend shared an app with me that I initially took some time to actually download. When I did, I loved when it showed me and I subscribed (there is a small monthly fee) - so what it is? It's the RISE SLEEP APP. 

I love this app. It tracks your energy levels based on your sleep and where your energy is high and low during the days. As someone who does enjoy being productive and making the most of my days, this has helped me see where my energy levels are high to do my most focused work and areas where I can be OK with having some down time to either take a walk, catch up with a friend, go to the store, etc.

It also provides a "Smart Schedule" to help you see when is the optimal time for you to get rest based on your sleeping patterns. As I've gotten older, I've started to appreciate getting good rest significantly more. Granted, we do not have kids yet but at this point in my life, I appreciate this app greatly.

There is also a decent amount of helpful resources about learning the benefits of sleep, setting notifications on what to focus on and you can sync it to your google calendar in case you are the visual person (hello, that's mee!) If you are interested, here is gift for you - 30 FREE Days to give this app a try.

Enjoy & let me know how you like it! 



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